Hi Friend :))
I was a senior in college at the University of Georgia when I realized I couldn’t picture myself in a typical post-grad life. My major was journalism and I had minors in Political Science and Public Affairs, along with Spanish, so I had convinced myself that I should follow my parent’s paths of going to D.C and working either in politics, policy work, or journalism, which I had prioritized over anything else in college. My love for writing started when I was a younger but when I couldn’t see a stable path as an author and when I didn’t find interest in publishing, I looked to journalism. I felt like I was truly making an impact and it gave me so many skills that I will forever be grateful for.
But I was missing something. The passion I had for journalism had burned out by the end of college and as hard as I tried, I couldn’t really picture myself pursuing a full-time career in it, at least not off the bat.
Where I’ve Traveled:
That’s when I reevaluated my passions, and what I most wanted to do in life. While it may change (especially because I have 10,000 interests), I felt a familiar swelling of joy and wanderlust when I thought about traveling and experiencing other cultures. It felt like it could fulfill me. So I did some research, saw that my best option may be living in Spain (and simultaneously getting to work on becoming fluent only after taking it for 14 years in school), working as a English teacher four days a week with a stipend and Europe at my fingertips. I was immediately hooked.
So instead of locking myself in a 9-5 job that I dreaded with little down time or committing to grad school just because I didn’t know what else to do and adding to my student debt, I chose the road less traveled. I am now starting my second year in Spain but this time in a new region. I have little concrete plans after, but I look forward to figuring it out as I go and keeping travel a priority.
budget travelers
twenty-somethings figuring out life
travelers who need inspiration
Spain lovers
the curious viewer
I have always had the privilege of traveling and going on vacations, something I will be forever grateful for. But it was not until a Spanish immersion trip in high school where I discovered a different kind of travel: traveling to experience.
Traveling to practice a language.
Solo travel to push you out of your comfort zone.
Trying new food you would’ve never dreamed of eating.
Booking that adventure activity you’re scared of.
Overcoming your fear of taking photos in public.
Learning about the history and architecture of a city to appreciate it.
Understanding how we are all global citizens and how we fit into this world.
Growing, growing and growing through trips that push your boundaries and broaden your perspectives.
This is where I thrive and this is what I hope to share with others.
I want this blog to be for the people who are stuck in life. Maybe in college, maybe in their late 20’s, or even mid-life. I want to inspire and to share the knowledge I have based on my experiences. I want this to be for those who have a skincare obsession like me and are slowly starting, or even have no idea, how to understand hair care. Travel guides and itineraries. Mistakes I’ve made traveling and how to avoid them. I have a lot of interests, and I don’t like to confine myself to one box. So, I won’t. But for the sake of creating my own “niche”, I call it travel and lifestyle.
I can’t wait to explore the world and share it with you.